Starting days vary according to each Year level.
Thank you for your interest in Kananook Primary School and for your child to start their primary education in 2024 as a Foundation (Prep) student. We are now accepting applications for enrolment for next year.
KPS is a tight-knit, community school located in Seaford. We are known for our huge school grounds, which provide an abundance of space for our students. Recently, the school was provided with funding to complete some amazing upgrades. We would love for you to join our growing school community.
Each year our Prep students get buddied up with a Year 5/6 student. We believe it is really important for all our students to make connections and our Buddy Program allows for a smooth transition into primary school life.
To have your say on how your child is allocated a spot for Kindergarten or to simply find out more about the registration process click on the following link.
We didn't think our website company, sponsor-ed, as a Marketing Consultancy, but they are; luckily. Here's our experience with sponsor-ed in lifting Kananook's enrolments.
An introduction for Parents about Restorative Practices.
Click on 'Read More' to view the video about how Real Schools works at KPS!
Did you know we run a Playgroup at our school every Friday afternoon from 2:30pm until 3:30pm at Kananook PS?
Elysium OSHC is a dedicated Outside School Hours Care provider. We conduct fun and Interactive programs at Kananook Primary School. Click here for more information.
At KPS we recognise the importance of 'play' in children's lives and as a school, we have worked to promote positive and quality play opportunities.
The PNF operates as a sub-committee of the School Council. Its function is to assist the school in providing the best possible environment for the children. This is done through fundraising activities and functions.
We aim to assist our students to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to lead a healthy, safe and active life. Click on the link below to see what we have been up to at KPS.
Our school zone is available on This hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2020 onwards. Please click on the link for more information.
Kananook Primary School has been allocated 1.2 million in funding for major building upgrade works. Works started in February 2019 and many changes have taken place around the school. It is almost completed and looks amazing! Click on Read More to find out more about the changes.
© Copyright Kananook Primary School Seaford