The purpose of School and House Captains at KPS is to foster and develop formal leadership skills and provide students opportunities to take an active role within the school and wider community. Each year two School Captains and four House Captains are chosen from the Year 5 and 6 cohort. In 2020, we updated the names of our houses from Blue, Green, Yellow and Red to four Aboriginal bird names. These names were voted on and selected by the students.
Our Houses are called:
Our SRC aims to build student agency so that the students collectively take initiative as global learners and leaders and develop strong connections with peers, students, and community members. In the process, they will develop their capacity as leaders and their sense of responsibility and commitment to making positive contributions to our local and global community. SRC members are chosen from Year 5 and 6 students.
Embedded within our processes for decision making are opportunities for students at KPS to have input into, provide feedback for, and give voice and opinions to various aspects across the school. This includes consultation and feedback from surveys.
© Copyright Kananook Primary School Seaford